Apex Family Photographer | Penke Family
It was such a cozy place with a red barn and green tin roof, rows of grape vines and even a playground for the kids to play on. This location definitely would be a great place to hang out with family and friends and have a glass of wine.Anyone I have talked to that has been there absolutely loves the environment.

Strawberry Season Features | Apex Family Photographer
I absolutely love taking my kiddos to do this even though it ends up being more work then had I just gone alone or bought them from the store. Can any momma’s out there relate?! Seeing their little faces covered in strawberry juice is the best 🙂 I have noticed over the last few years that it becomes less an less. Just another sign of then growing up which breaks my heart. I was proud of my big little guy this year. Last year he wanted so badly to help and every strawberry he picked was soft and squishy from pulling the berry. This year I found only a few like that. He was also so proud of the number of berries he picked and that he was strong enough to carry the big bucket.

Raleigh Family Photographer | Last Call for Spring Mini Sessions
As your Raleigh Family Photographer, I wanted to scout out the JC Raulston Arboretum to get a feel for great spots for this Sunday’s mini sessions!

Cary Photographer | SPS Mentor
Hi everyone! I have some super exciting news to share today and I’m awaiting your response 🙂 As your Cary Photographer, I am getting ready to embark on another journey. Educator.

Cary Family Photographer | Spring Mini Session Date
I am going to offer mini sessions for one day only. If you’ve had a mini session with me in the past, this is going to be very different but you will still get beautiful images. This year I am going hold these mini sessions at the JC Raulston Arboretum. If you haven’t been, it’s beautiful Instead of walking you all over the place to 10 different locations I am going to pick one maybe two spots to do photos. Quick and easy for everyone. Especially those with the littlest of littles!

Cary Photographer | You Have to Start Somewhere
As a Cary Photographer, I know there are a ton of amazing artists out there. As an introvert, I have to find a way to get my work out there and to make it known. I have to know how I want to serve my clients. My mind has been spinning and there are so many exciting things coming for the newly branded Jennifer LaGrange Photography, LLC. I can’t wait to share them all with you but for now, this post, this blog is a start.